Day Twelve | Lent Devotional

Reading: Luke 11, Psalm 37:11

But the meek shall inherit the earth And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Meekness is not a virtue that most of us want to associate with.  We think of meek people as being riddled with insecurity and weakness – unable to fend for themselves.  However, the biblical quality of meekness is quite different from these modern notions.  The Hebrew word is Anvav, best translated as “humble, gentle, without an inflated sense of self-importance.” God is not promoting self-hatred or low self-esteem here.  Jesus is our perfect example.

Jesus was not weak, fearful, insecure, or timid.  He knew who He was and stood confidently in His identity.  He demonstrated His strength repeatedly in His teaching, healing ministry, and by exercising His authority over water, wind, and demons.  He stood up boldly for the purity of God’s house by throwing the money changers out of the temple. He faced the false accusation of the Pharisees, the scourge of Herod’s lash, and the horrors of crucifixion – without a word in His defense. This is not a picture of a weak man.

Yet, He did not use His position or unlimited power to serve Himself or punish His enemies.  Jesus trusted His Father to vindicate Him.  This is the definition of meekness.  And in Matthew 11::29, He invites us to follow His example; “take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls…” (Mat 11:29 KJV).

Our culture today promotes self-exaltation, personal branding, attention-seeking, pride, and grasping for wealth and fame.  This toxic ideology is destroying us. Instead of lifting us in self-esteem, these narcissistic behaviors have left us bereft of joy, insecurity, depression, anger, and feeling alone.  The only cure for this sickness of self-exaltation is radical repentance and the courage to stop grasping for the attention of others.  God promises that when we embrace meekness, we will “inherit the earth and delight…in the abundance of peace” instead of losing our power. The NIV renders it this way; “But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy peace and prosperity.” 

All through God’s Word, the highest blessings are promised to those who humble themselves, associate with the weak and poor, avoid self-promotion, and refuse to be lifted in pride.  We must again follow the example of Jesus' humility and refuse to grasp what God will freely give us when we trust Him. Embracing humility might be the most counter-cultural and radical thing you could do.  It will undoubtedly get the attention of the only One who counts. 

As you approach the Lord in prayer today, ask Him to reveal the areas where you have cultivated self-exalting behaviors. Do you have to celebrate yourself publicly every time you reach a goal, get a touchdown, or experience a promotion? Are you constantly taking selfies to show the world how happy you are, how good you have it, or how nice you look in that outfit?  

Ask yourself why.  What are you looking for from others to feel good about yourself? What would it be like to let God promote you?  Go wrestle with these questions as you pray, and write your responses in your journal.



Day Thirteen | Lent Devotional


Day Eleven | Lent Devotional