Day Eleven | Lent Devotional

Reading: Luke 10, Psalm 37:9-10

For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the LORD, They shall inherit the earth.  For yet a little while and the wicked [shall be] no [more]; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it [shall be] no [more].

Sometimes, it’s helpful to remember that there is no angel, devil, or human in God's universe who really “gets away” with anything. God keeps the books on the righteous and the wicked - and He is an excellent bookkeeper. Every action thought, and deed is known to the Lord and will be rewarded with perfect grace or judgment in this life or the next. 

As for our invisible adversary, the devil, God has a way of thwarting his plans, canceling his assaults, and bringing us back from captivity. The Psalmist reminds us that the wicked “shall be cut off.” The Hebrew word used here is Karath, and it means to amputate, decapitate, and sever.  This strong language reveals God’s attitude towards those who harm us. While our enemy may appear to win in our daily battles, God is a warrior who will fiercely defend us. He will amputate the enemy from our lives so completely that you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be NO MORE.” (V.10)

So what do we do in the meantime?  The Psalmist reminds us that our job is to wait on the Lord. To honestly wait on the Lord requires specific resources: a clear understanding of His promises, an awareness of our position in Him, and a deep trust in His purpose for our lives. Getting clarity on God's promises provides the foundation for our faith. Focusing on our position in Him empowers us to access the power we possess in Him. Trust requires an act of entrusting, which is to commit with confidence. When we do these things, we position ourselves to inherit the earth.

As you go before the Lord today, begin by offering thanks and praise to Him for His perfect judgment in your life.  Worship Him for His promise to vindicate you and cut off the enemy. In your journal, list a few areas where you are waiting for the enemy to be cut off. Then, write a simple prayer expressing your trust in his love and perfect timing.



Day Twelve | Lent Devotional


Day Ten | Lent Devotional