The Spiritual Journey
Join the Journey
Over the next 21 days, we are going on a journey together as a church family. God has challenged us to prepare for a great harvest that He is sending us. He has instructed us that it is time to go beyond what we have known and step into a bold vision for our future. This devotional is designed to guide us collectively through a process of prayer and reflection, equipping us to meet this challenge.

How to Participate
Spiritual Journey Initiatives
For the next 21 days, commit to reading the devotional, reading a scripture and praying.
Set your phone alarm for 3:20 p.m. each day for the next 21 days. At that time, stop wherever you are and pray for 2 minutes.
Post a positive, encouraging post or scripture each day for the next 21 days on your social media outlets.
Join us for prayer from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 12 and Wednesday, March 26 at ALC.
On Saturday, March 22 at 10 a.m. join the rest of the Abundant Life family for a special United Prayer event.
Commit to fasting each week during the 21-day devotional journey.
Suggestions: Fast negative thoughts, unhealthy foods or negative words.
This challenge is for gamers. Commit to upgrading your online behavior and interactions for the next 21 days.
Suggestions include:
Fast from curse words during gameplay.
Fast from rage/quitting during gameplay.
Speak or post positive encouraging words during gameplay.
Tell 1 person about Jesus each week during gameplay.
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