Esther’s Bold Stand | Day 02
Reading: Esther 4:10-17
Courage is Not the Absence of Fear but the Willingness to Act Despite it. Have you ever felt like you were out of sync with God’s plan? Take a moment to think back to a time when God gave you a personal challenge, but it seemed impossible. What happened?
Maybe you stood strong with good courage and moved forward, but if you are like me, you probably struggled with the choice we are all faced with. You either take courage and answer the challenge, no matter the consequences, or shrink back and do nothing. And if we’re honest, we have probably done both. Sometimes, we move forward; sometimes we try to talk God out of whatever He tries to get us to do. When God calls us to step out in faith, there’s often a sense of losing something—whether it’s comfort, approval, or even a sense of safety.
Esther’s story is one of courage - a Jewish woman in Persia who faced a life-threatening decision when her people were marked for annihilation. Approaching the king without an invitation could have cost her life, even though she was the kings’ wife. In the natural setting, she had the appearance of being in the right position, as we often do in our own lives. She still needed to act with courage in facing death to fulfill God’s plan for her life. Maybe our everyday decisions with God aren’t life-or-death moments, but we can learn from Esther’s bravery and self-sacrifice. She demonstrated faith that went above and beyond personal safety.
She trusted in God’s sovereignty and stepped into her role as an advocate for her people, and as a result, God used her the same way He would use us if we took courage. Her story reminds us that courage is not the absence of fear, but the willingness to trust God and take a step forward anyway. Her decision to stand up for her people was not without risk, yet she believed in the God who had placed her in that moment. Her actions demonstrate a powerful example of faith in action.
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14, NKJV)
It’s easy to focus on what we might lose when God calls us to step out in faith, but He wants us to trust that His plans are always for a greater purpose and, ultimately, our benefit. He wants to take us beyond our current circumstances and experiences. Reflect on where you may be hesitating and ask yourself: Am I willing to trust that God will equip me for this?
Esther’s courage flowed from her faith in the One who holds all things together. As you reflect on her story, ask God to help you see through the challenges and see the opportunities He’s placed before you.
Lord, I pray for wisdom, guidance and help to embrace the challenges in front of me. Help me to see the opportunities You’ve placed before me. Help me to act boldly in faith, knowing You go before me.
“Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid” (Joshua 1:9).