Jonah’s Reluctance and Disobedience | Day 07

Reading: Jonah 3

Sometimes God calls us to do the very thing we do not want to do. Is there something in your life where you’ve been reluctant to obey God?

Jonah, a prophet of Israel, was called by God to deliver a message of repentance to Nineveh, a wicked city known for its brutality. Instead of obeying, Jonah fled, choosing to give in to his disdain for the people of Nineveh and his own comfort over God’s command. He took a ship in the opposite direction only to end up captive in the belly of a whale.  But in that dark, desperate place, Jonah’s heart turned back towards God. And when his repentance was complete, he was spit up on a beach near the road to Ninevah. 

While Jonah’s disobedience nearly led to his destruction, God offered him another chance. When Jonah finally delivered God’s message, the impact was profound. The entire city turned to the Lord, repented of their sins, and was saved from annihilation. Jonah’s story illustrates that one cannot run from God. His power surpasses our understanding, and despite being stubborn and reluctant, God uses imperfect individuals to fulfill His perfect will.

Jonah’s story also reminds us how patient God is with us, even when we resist His calling. It’s not always easy to follow where God leads, especially when He calls us to confront issues we would rather avoid. Like Jonah, we may find ourselves running—not because we don’t love God but because the task feels too hard, too uncomfortable, or too much for us to handle. However, if we get back on track and obey the Lord, we find that His mercy can restore both us and those He wants us to help.


Even in Jonah’s disobedience, God pursued him with love and mercy. The truth is, God doesn’t abandon us when we struggle or resist. Instead, He gently redirects us, showing us that His plans are always for our good and His glory. What is your struggle? Perhaps it’s forgiving someone who has hurt you, stepping into a role you feel unqualified for, or surrendering an area of your life where you’ve been holding on too tightly. Take a moment to reflect on how God might be lovingly calling you to trust Him in that area.

Jonah’s story also reminds us that God works through our imperfections. He doesn’t call us because we’re perfect or ready. He calls us because He is faithful and wants us to experience the joy of walking in step with Him. If you’ve been resisting something, consider how God’s grace might meet you there, equipping you for the very thing you feel unprepared to do.


Lord, if there are times or places in my life where I resist what you are calling me to do, help me to trust that Your plans are always for my good and Your glory. Teach me to step out in obedience, knowing that You equip those You call. 

“For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” (Romans 11:29, NKJV)


Nehemiah’s Courage to Rebuild | Day 06


The Faith of a Dying Woman | Day 05