Toddlerhood Transitions

For parents with Children 18 to 36 months

Length: 9 Week Course | Begins: TBD | Where: Online via Zoom

In just over a year, the helpless infant emerges as a little moving, talking, walking, exploratory person marked by keen senses, clear memory, quick perceptions, and unlimited energy.

In view of the fact that a toddler’s mind is driven by curiosity, a need to investigate and a tendency to try and rule the world with a smile or a scream, it becomes essential to consider the influence of the home as the principal learning environment, and Mum and Dad as the principal teachers.

This course, over nine sessions, will help guide Mom and Dad with an abundance of Biblical wisdom and truth as they parent their 18 to 36 month old and enjoy the amazing reservoir of joy this child brings. The power of a toddler’s embrace, the joy of his smile, the comfort of his cuddling, all teach us about a simple love that is pure and unmeasured.

Topics include:

  • Journey of Fatherhood and Motherhood

  • Structure and Routine

  • The Nature of Conflict

  • What is Obedience?

  • Recommended Book: The Toddlerhood Transitions

    Cost: $15.60 (recommend 2 books per couple, but 1 is required) | $ 2.95 website/video subscription

    Online Platform: Zoom

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