Can We Talk?
Poor communication makes a relationship go from GOOD to BAD to WORSE. Healthy communication can make a relationship go from GOOD to GREAT to GODLY. Good communication is the foundation of any strong relationship. God says communication has more to do with what you are hearing than what you’re saying. It can’t always be the argument: “It’s not me; it’s you.” Communication is an art and it is a skill we can only learn from God.
Defining Your Relationships
The number one and most important relationship you will ever be in is your relationship with God. That’s why from Genesis to Revelations, the Bible is a playbook on relationships. The Word of God is designed to help you navigate all the relationships in your life. Whatever God has for your life, he places providential relationships into your life to do it. The law of association is critical to your future and the success of your life. You are responsible for the outcome of the relationships in your life.
How to Bridge Generational Divides
God made his family eclectic, different and diverse. He did it on purpose and for a purpose. God has made His children – generation to generation – unique to adapt to the needs and demands of their unique culture. God tailored his children to be a light to world in every generation. But together, we are the body of Christ, called to be the light of the world, a city on the hill. But we must remember, if we allow it, differences can divide. That’s why we have to be careful to guard our hearts and our minds.
The Middle Ground
We are called to have relationships with others, and yet, we are diverse in thought, opinion, and perspectives. These differences often create conflict in relationships. And we each have our own way of responding to conflict. Our response to conflict is often cultivated by our experiences that have taught us how to handle conflict. But conflict does have to be combat. We must learn to navigate conflict with grace.
Growing the Right Relationships
In Sunday’s message in our new series, Summer of Love, Pastor Pascale taught about how to manage different levels of relationships. Even though God can do things independently; on His own, most of the time He chooses to use people and do things through people. We just ended a series of messages on stewardship. The reality is that relationships may be one of the most difficult areas to steward in life. Why? Because relationships can be complicated and even very messy at times. God wants us to learn how to discern and steward (or manage) the relationships in our lives.
Mutually Beneficial Relationships
The old saying is true: “Show me your friends, and I will show you your future.” Your future is tied to the relationships in your life. It is important to remember that people can and will rub off on you. That is the nature of the law of association. You need to be careful who you allow access to your life. Negative people can have a negative influence on your life. But positive people can have a positive influence. The good in them can get on you, too!